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Design shapes our objects, environments, communication and many of our interactions. Design at IDC is all encompassing, coexists in an active triadic relationship with design education, design research and design practice.
Design education - to train and propagate; design research - to seek, analyze, experiment, integrate; and design practice to apply, implement and realize. IDC strives towards creating an excellent pedagogical environment with foundations in these areas to prepare professionals and visionaries of tomorrow

Design education can be the means to understand, disseminate and practice design in society. IDC's experiments in design education and awareness have inspired several designers, design educators and design schools. In the emerging socio-economic-cultural scene, IDC intends to play an important role. The concern at IDC for the problems at the grass root level in developing economies has led to efforts in solving such problems with design as a means and a tool.
The designer in a global economy requires competence to deal with a broad range of challenges thrown up by socio-economic and cultural diversities. This diversity is reflected in the structure of the educational program, the type of research activities and the projects the students and faculty undertake. The emphasis is on addressing the unmet design and communication needs of the community.

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