Ravi Poovaiah 

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Faculty at IDC

Professor, IDC, IIT Bombay

Selected Papers:

> Design Education

> Design, Technology and Culture

> Designing for Children

> Collaborative Environments

> Interaction Design

> Wayfinding and Identity Systems

> Communication Design

Design Education:

- Ravi Poovaiah and Ajanta Sen, Mapping the design mindset at IDC, IITB - in line with a country finding its foothold in a gradually industrializing market: 1969-present . MSR Faculty Summit, Redmond, 2006

- Ravi Poovaiah and Ajanta Sen, A blueprint for design education and practice: using emerging technologies and traditional knowledge systems to widen design's constituency in India - paper at ICSID Educational Conference at Hanover 5-7 Sept. 2003

Design, Technology and Culture:

- Ajanta Sen and Ravi Poovaiah, Innovation as a matter of ‘cultural losses’ in a globalised world: the need for a framework for preservation – the case of India - paper at Cumulus Design Research Conference, Paris, France, May 2011

- Ajanta Sen and Ravi Poovaiah, New technologies for underserved communities: proposing a cultural frameworkdriven process for constructing interactive social spaces (multicultural) - paper at ICSID Congress, San Francisco, June 2007

- Ravi Poovaiah and Ajanta Sen, Design by People within Culturally-rooted Idioms – the new ‘cool’ in a globalised world: - paper at ICSID Educational Conference at Copenhagen, Sept. 2005

Designing for Children:

- Ajanta Sen, and Ravi Poovaiah, Into a world of the "really not real": leveraging a child's make-belief abilities for design clues to build a cross-cultural collaborative environment on the Internet - paper at ICSID Educational Conference at Hanover 5-7 Sept. 2003

- Ajanta Sen, and Ravi Poovaiah, "Analysis of Games as a point of reference for building a learning driven environment for children" - as part of KidLearn Project

- Ajanta Sen, and Ravi Poovaiah, A technology-non-technology alliance: does it really work towards learning? Invited paper at the 4th National annual conference for academic education covering New Technologies and Methodologies in Arts, Media & Design around the topic "Teaching - learning and research for the creative professions" held at Bangkok, Thailand, 27-29 November, 2001

Collaborative Environments:

- Ajanta Sen, Ravi Poovaiah and Robert Pulley, Across the Web: the Colors of India as a cross-cultural collaborative initiative for learning

Interaction Design:

- Ravi Poovaiah and Ajanta Sen, "New technologies for underserved communities: proposing a cultural framework driven process for constructing interactive social spaces (multicultural)" - paper at ICSID Educational Conference at San Francisco, November. 2007

- Ajanta Sen, and Ravi Poovaiah, "New technology's New Home - Internet within India’s cultural paradigm" - Keynote paper as part of the theme Design, Knowledge and Technologies - presented at Fiera De Santana, Bahia, Brazil, as part of the 2nd International Congress of Graphic Engineering in Arts and in Design, and the 13th national Symposium on Descriptive Geometry and Technical Design, 14-18 Sept, 1998

- Ravi Poovaiah and Ajanta Sen, A paradigm-shift towards user-centred methodology in interaction design: the case of an icon-driven interface product, Invited paper presented at International Conference on Multi-Media, held at Delhi, January 1998

- Ravi Poovaiah, Construction of Interface for Interactive Multimedia, Invited paper presented at International Conference on Multi-Media, held at Delhi, 1997
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- Ravi Poovaiah, Thoughts on Interface Design, paper presented at 'Design Odyssey', held at IDC, IIT Bombay, 1994
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Wayfinding Systems:

- Ravi Poovaiah, Design of Graphic Symbols for Environmental signage, Invited paper at the National seminar on Signage, held at Mumbai, 2000

- Ravi Poovaiah, Graphic Symbols for Environmental Signage: a Design Perspective, paper at the International symposium on 'Public Graphics', held at Lunteren, The Netherlands, 1995
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- Ajanta Sen, and Ravi Poovaiah, Petroleum retail outlets as the mother of all POP’s – the case study of BPCL:
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Communication Design:

- Ravi Poovaiah, 'The Kinesthetics of Packaging: its connotative domain' published as Proceedings of the workshop on Bamboo, an IDC publication, 1993
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My Students ...

Research and Projects...
Seminars and Workshops...



Contact Details:

Industrial Design Centre,
Indian Institute of Technology,
Powai, Mumbai 400076

091-22-2576 7820
091-22-2576 7801
091-22-2578 3480
091-22-2576 7803
email: ravi[at]iitb.ac.in


My Students ...

Papers and Writings
Research and Projects...
Seminars and Workshops...